The Butterfly Project

Discover the dynamic collaboration between the Community Foundation of East Alabama and Amira Learning, aimed at enhancing the reading proficiency of students throughout East Alabama!

What is the Butterfly Project?

The Butterfly Project is a collaborative effort funded by the Community Foundation of East Alabama, that seeks to advance reading proficiency in schools across East Alabama. We have partnered with generous donors and representatives from Amira Learning to provide schools across our five counties with advanced modern technology and resources to help improve reading proficiency among elementary-aged students.

The Butterfly project is inspired by the “Butterfly Effect” theory. This theory suggests that a small and seemingly inconsequential event, such as the flap of a butterfly's wings, can set off a chain reaction of events that, over time, leads to significant and unpredictable changes. The term emphasizes the interconnectedness of phenomena and highlights how even minute changes in one part of a system can magnify, ultimately influencing the system's behavior in profound and unexpected ways.

It is our belief that through this project we can be the ripple that begins powerful change throughout the East Alabama community. One’s ability to read is central to their ability to take hold of opportunities. That is why it is essential that students across East Alabama have every opportunity to grow in their reading skills.

Learn more below about the Amira learning software and how to donate to support the “Butterfly Project”.

What is Amira Learning?

Amira is the world’s first intelligent reading assistant that provides personalized tutoring to students at school, after school or at home. This product provides students with online resources and lessons that help them develop their reading skills while also receiving real-time feedback to help them improve. This software was developed not only to help develop the reading proficiency of students, but also provide teachers and tutors with a valuable resource that can actually produce real results.

After conducting extensive research into the “science of reading”, the Amira team developed this software that aligns with the principles set forth in this body of knowledge. The Amira learning platform was developed by a collection of reading scientists helping to ensure that the program was grounded in data and sound theory. This dedication to the “science of reading” has allowed Amira to have astounding results in the development of reading proficiency.

According to data produced by Carnegie Mellon University, Amira is as effective as a certified human tutor and more effective with English Language Learners in producing reading achievement outcomes. Learn more about the Amira learning software by clicking “learn more” below.

How to Donate to support the Butterfly Project!

Becoming a supporter of the Butterfly Project is simple! You can easily donate any dollar amount at the link below. This is a tax deductible donation and will be used to support our efforts to develop the reading proficiency of students across East Alabama!

With your donation, we can be the small ripple that produces enormous positive change for the future of children in East Alabama!